Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year to everyone. The countdown is on. 1 week until treatment number 6.... the final one. I am so looking forward to being done. Not necessarily the treatment itself.

This is week number 4 following my last treatment and I feel really good. I still am sleeping 10 hours a night and I get winded from time to time, but I actually felt like cleaning yesterday. Didn't do alot, but some is better than none.

Thanks for all of your good wishes. They really keep me inspired!
Love to you all.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Another week has gone by and I am feeling stronger every day. I still get winded and tire easily, but I feel really good!

Right now my biggest concern is trying to regulate my potassium. It has been really low after my last treatment, and I have been taking potassium supplements to try to increase the levels. I had my blood drawn again today. We'll see what the results show. I have not had any side effects from the low levels. I could have had some problems with my heart, but did not.

Still trying to get ready for Christmas. All my presents bought, just need to wrap. Maybe Taylor will help.

Have a happy and safe Christmas, everyone!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hi everybody!
I know it's been awhile since I've written. I have no excuse. The first few days out of the hospital, I felt really good. Better than I have out of the hospital ever. Friday, I started feeling bad, dizzy, out of breath, just a general feeling of no good. Fever up a little, 99.6. Now it's down below 99. I slept 12 hours last night (turned the lights out at 8:30--- unheard of for me) & I feel really good today. No dizziness.

I have a blood draw in the morning to see if I can get out among the people this week. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Soo... Soo... nice to not have to travel to KC for the shot. I was done even before the appointment time. Plus no 3-4 hour drive to get there and back. I am feeling pretty good this time around. I wonder if the extra week in between had anything to do with it. If so, I should really recover well after the jan 6th treatment.

Going to get a blood draw this morning, then coming back home to hybernate.


Monday, December 8, 2008

It wasn't 11:00 but I made it home at about 2:30 last night. Felt good to sleep in my own bed for a change. I get to have the 4,000.00 shot in Topeka, so we don't have to drive to KC for a 10 second procedure. Thank goodness. I feel pretty good today, trying not to do too much. Mostly unpacked from hospital trip ------ JUST 1 MORE TREATMENT! I've got it scheduled for the 6th of Jan. I should feel really good by then.

love you lots,

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Guess what? the doctor said I could go home as soon as the medicine I am getting is done. Might be 11:00 but it will be tonight. no reason to stay all night just to wait to be discharged. YEAH!!!!
Hey everyone,
Sunday morning, I had hoped to go home today. No such luck. Monte did come up last night and stayed the night. I think he'll stay most of the day, today, too. Should help the day go faster.
Love, Lori

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hey Everyone,

I have not thrown up again, thank goodness. I did
get news today that made me cry.
I am not going to be able to leave until

Monday. Apparently, this weekend doctor
doesn't want to speed up my meds so I

can get out on Sunday. Boo and Hiss.
Get out the meds for my mood.

Love you all lots,

Friday, December 5, 2008

Hi Guys,
Well it's Friday morning. More that half way through. Sunday seems closer now.

I had company Wed. eve. and again for most of the daytime yesterday. Really makes the day seem to go faster.

Threw up yesterday. Earlier than normal. Trying to keep a lid on it.

Not much to say.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Well, yesterday was a very boring day. Some good tv, I watched a movie, talked to my family and friends on the phone. Sent a couple of emails. Mostly, bored, uncomfortable, wondering if I can really get through this. Everybody has been really encouraging. It is still really HARD. Enough of me complaining.

I have it really good. I am doing this as a preventative.
Someone I know was just diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer.
I have it really good.

Thank you,

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

morning everybody!

I forgot to tell you all that I got a room with a view this time. I'm on the other side of the hall and I can see traffic and people and trees and the SUN! What a great feeling to wake up to sunshine!

I slept really good last night, so I feel really good this morning.
We'll see how the day goes.

Thinking of you all.

Monday, December 1, 2008

hey everybody!
Well, I'm here and hooked up (to chemo by 3:30). Not too much wait for anything. I cried pretty much every step of the way. On the way to KC. In the waiting room at the cancer center. In front of the PA. In front of the Dr. (he gave me a really cool KU ballcap to wear to help cheer me up) At lunch. In admissions. When my parents left. Right now.

I had an EKG when I came in. apparently my pulse was running high. Results perfectly normal. Thank goodness.
