Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hi guys, The next day (sunday) was boring but easy. Got home at 8:00 pm. boy am I glad!

Monday a trip to KC for my $4,000 shot (yes, you read it right) Helps boost my white count
Stopped by the store to visit the girls, really good to see them -- decided to try work on Wed afternoon.

NOW we're in the present again.
My Chauffeur, DREW, dropped me by work (LOOK AT THE BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS THAT WERE WAITING FOR ME FROM THE GIRLS) after he took me by the hospital for a blood draw(to be done twice a week, but can be done here in Topeka) I made it through 3 VERY weak-no energy hours when the Dr office from KC calls.
Publish Post
my white count is almost non-existent (.7 --- 7.0 - 10 is normal) I should go home, avoid people & have blood drawn again on Friday. Check my temp, Should even be low grade, I may have to go to hospital to check out infection source. Pick up a script that is supposed to help. By 7:00 pm my fever has reduced from 99.9 (Had it gone to 100, we would have been out the door) back to my very normal 98.2 (Thank GOD) whoever was praying right then, thank you so much. I know I sure was.

Let's see what tomorrow brings,
Thanks for all the prayers,

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