Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 9, and I feel great!
Still no stamina, but I have some energy. As long as I don't over do and rest alot I'm OK. Got the OK from the Drs office to go to work, my white count has climbed to 3.6, Hemoglobin is holding steady so that I don't need a transfusion, Potassium is climbing just slightly. I still am taking potassium suppliment and it is the foulest thing I've ever ingested, but if it keeps my heart healthy, I guess I'll continue to take it. So great to be back to work and know that I won't have to leave again. I'm sleeping really well, finally, so each day just gets better and better.

I have a follow up appointment with the oncologist on Feb 2, they'll draw my blood and check to see how I'm recovering from the chemo.

On Feb 4th, I have appt to have an MRI of my arm and a CT of my chest. I'll do them here in Topeka, then take the results to the orthopedic oncologist, my surgeon, on the 9th. I'll be doing the MRI every 3 months, and the CT every 6 months for about the next 10 years.
Whatever it takes to make sure the cancer hasn't returned.

Thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers.

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