Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hey Everyone!
Since I posted last on Sunday, a lot has happened. Monday eve, my temp went up to 100.9. I called KU med, got their answering service, never heard a thing from them. By Tues morning my fever was 101.3. When I called KU med again, I got a call right back from Dr. Doolittle's nurse. Got mom & dad up early, kept Taylor home from school and we all headed to KC. Sat & waited for 4 hours before I saw anyone, but finally got put on some IV antibiotics. They admitted me to the hospital Tues. eve. More IV meds. Don't know for sure what is going to happen.
By Wed. morning, I had seen lots of Drs., heard anything from hours to days that I'll be here. Bummer. Need more meds.

Wed afternoon the powers that be decided my hemoglobin was too low. So..... I got some blood. Never had that happen before. I'm a little nervous, need more meds.

Blood transfusion went fine, I got 2 units.

Now it's Thurs. morning early, I slept about 7 hours. Nurse just informed me that my white count is 7.9, very good, hemoglobin is 9.1, also very good.
Maybe they'll let me out today.
Wish me luck!

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